CPeng Australia: Chartered Pathway
Engineers Australia provides different pathways to attain the Chartered status and become a CPEng Australia (Chartered professional engineer). The pathway you choose is dependent on your comfort and eligibility. Here, the chartered pathway we have provided you will cost you $ 1815, which also includes GST. The application criteria are Current Membership Grade of Full Member (MIEAust, AMIEAust, TMIEAust or above. There are countless benefits of attaining the Chartered status. you will have more opportunities for growth as the management will see you as an invaluable asset, you will be seen with respect, as you have achieved something marvelous, and you will be recognized all over the world as a highly qualified engineer. That’s why there is a rat race going on to become a CPEng Australia all the world. The following are the steps of the online Chartered application process to become a CPEng : 1. First, you need to complete the Chartered Self Assessment, givi...