Assessment Process For Chartered Professional Engineer In New Zealand


A Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) is a competent and experienced engineer who has registration issued by Engineering New Zealand. Like the Engineering New Zealand Chartered Member class, you will be required to have an assessment to prove that you can cope with complex engineering issues that can be solved only with the use of expert knowledge. The differentiating thing is that a CPEng has to show New Zealand-specific technical experience and be re-evaluated at least every 6 years. The CPEng NZ assessment shows that you have proven an international standard. Therefore, you can go anywhere to work without any problem.

Registration and membership both are different things. You can be both a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand and a Chartered Professional Engineer through the same assessment. If you are an Engineering New Zealand member, then it shows your credibility and professionalism. It means that you are part of a well-established and reputed professional community that advances technical knowledge, maintains standards and raises the bar. Most Chartered Professional Engineers also choose to be Engineering New Zealand members. Being so, they can have access to member resources and support throughout their career.

For the last few years, the Government has been changing the engineering regulation way. At some point, it is likely to mean a new licensing regime for an engineer who is doing safety-critical work. CPEng is likely to remain, therefore it makes sense to have the assessment process now even if you feel that you may be required to be licensed in the future.

The assessment process for Chartership:

The following is the assessment process to become a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng):

1.   Join the community:

If you are not a member of Engineering New Zealand, then join the community and have access to the online member area to record your work and CPD records that will assist you in building your portfolio of proof for your Chartership application. On the other hand, if you don’t want to become a member, then you will be required to add your proof when you complete your Chartership assessment attain the Chartered status.

2.   Create CPD and work records:

Begin to add work and CPD records when you join so that you don’t forget the details. Adding records this time will make it much easier and quicker for you to complete your application for Chartership. Your work records give proof of your work history and give the assessment authority a picture of the engineering activities you do. Your CDP records could consist of education, courses, workshops, conferences, group activities, mentoring, volunteering and the Engineering New Zealand branch. They all give proof of your current professional development and count towards Engineering New Zealand members’ need to complete 40 hours of CPD every year.

3.   Start the application for Chartership:

When you have sufficient experience to fulfill the engineering complexity needs to become a CPEng, then you can start your application. You will be required to:

·        Fill up some details regarding you and the practice field you want to have an evaluation for, and upload your latest resume.

·        Have two referees who can recommend you for Chartership status.

·        Demonstrate how you fulfill the competency areas.

·        Link related work and CPD records as proof of your competency.


4.   Submit your Chartership application:

After the completion of all sections of the application, you can submit it to the authority for assessment. As a part of the assessment process, there will be an in-person session and you may be given a task so that the assessment authority can know more about your experience and knowledge. If you are recommended to receive a Chartership, then a Board will make a final decision.





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