APEGS Engineering Work Experience Reporting



If you are an engineer willing to settle down in Saskatchewan (Canada) and work there, then you have to go through an APEGS assessment. Now, you must be wondering what it is and how to have a successful assessment. Don’t worry this blog will give you a basic idea of the APEGS work experience reporting. So, read it with undivided attention.

Engineering Work experience reporting (APEGS):

Before you apply for APEGS work experience reporting, it is strictly advised to carefully read and understand guidelines. This step will considerably improve the success chance and lessen the re-submission risk. APEGS has started a new online Competency-Based Assessment, also called CBA, an experience reporting system that came into operation on January 01, 2019.

There is a system that is paper-based for engineers-in-training, and it is only those engineers who are qualified to continue experience reporting in the outgoing. For a Professional Engineer in the US with the latest NCEES Records, then it is sufficient for academic documents, experience reporting and references. There is not any requirement to submit experience reports on the APEGS form if submitting NCEES Record.

It is advised to read the guide for Competency Assessment for Assessors, Applicants and Validators. Apart from that, you should check out the information on APEGS for CBA Experience reporting Orientation presentation and online Competency-Based Assessment system procedure. 

The APEGS work experience reporting is necessary for an engineer and geoscientist for evaluating, recording and validating engineering and geoscience work experience. It makes it much easier for an applicant to identify and fulfill the organization’s competency categories for registration as a professional engineer and geoscientist.

First, you need to read properly the reporting guidelines completely before you submit your work experience proof. It would considerably improve the chances of a positive assessment.

Guidelines and instructions or experience reporting:

A registered member-in-training and member-in-training candidate (international candidate), told to have confirmatory exams, can start with the experience reporting.

If having experience as a professional engineer in the US and also have an NCEES record, then your NCEES record will be enough for experience reporting. It means your NCEES record would be sufficient for APEGS form submission, no experience would be required here.

Results of experience review are never provided to the candidate over the phone; it is provided to them over email when they are ready. Therefore, don’t contact the APEGS office to know about the result. It would consume between 1 and 3 months of the experience report review, and if any problem is found in the report, the candidate will be contacted.

CBA Report submission process:

There are three ways to submit the APEGS report to APEGS that are given below:

·        Mailing the hard copy of documents and always keeping a report copy if it doesn’t reach the APEGS Canada office.

·        Scanning the documents and sending a mail to experience-review@apegs.ca. The scan was required to be of high quality and supported with a file size of less than 5MB. Optimal quality is compulsory because APEGS Canada prints the taken reports and scans them again in the small file sizer for the secure posting of files shared for reviewers. Apart from that, if your supervisor scanned and mailed the signed report to you, then it will be compulsory for you to print it again for signature and again scanned it. After printing and scanning the report for the third time, the quality of the report will become too low for reviewers. Therefore, you are advised to send the original file over email.

·        APEGS Canada generally discourages faxing reports as the quality is low and hard to read after it is scanned once more for reviewers.

For the fresh, online CBA system (engineers-in-training only), all information can be submitted through the online system.




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