Everything You Need To Know About Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) – APEGS

Competencies are measurable and observable skills, knowledge, abilities, motivations, or traits required for professional registration and demonstrated by the applicant's actions and behaviors.

 Before being granted a license, an engineering candidate must demonstrate the ability to practice engineering. The applicants must provide evidence based on their experiences of their reasoning aptitude to exercise engineering at a proficient level.

 Many engineering regulators in Canada have chosen CBA for engineering analysis. British Columbia engineers and geoscientists are involved in the development of the CBA for the benefit of the applicants. Engineering regulators carried out a multi-year Pan-Canadian CBA project in various provinces.

 This system, which was developed on January 1, 2019, was validated by the APEGS membership at the Annual Meeting in May 2018. 

 It is applicable to all APEGS applicants who are nationally and internationally graduated engineers-in-training. Aspirants have the opportunity to review their experience through the competency of APEGS CBA Report.

 Other qualifications required for candidates include pre-college experience, one year in a Canadian or comparable environment, and four years as engineers-in-training. 

Advantages of Competency-Based Assessment

There are numerous processes for observing and measuring a candidate's traits, potentials, motivations, knowledge base, and skill level, and the Competence of APEGS CBA Report is one. This defines their market competencies. 

·  CBA enables candidates to gain a market advantage over their competitors.

·    It emphasizes the importance of the student demonstrating desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. It is primarily concerned with a student's progress through a curriculum at their own pace, depth, and so on.

· Competency Based Assessment (CBA) facilitates the reporting process for applicants while also ensuring transparency.

·   It makes it easier to assess your experience and qualifications, which in turn boosts your confidence in writing the competence of APEGS CBA Report for submission.

 The Competency-Based Assessment Framework

 The competency assessment framework employs seven Competency Categories, which are groupings of 34 competencies or skills in total. Take a look...

 1) Technical competence [10 competencies]

2) Professional accountability [6 competencies]

3) Project and financial management [5 competencies] 

4) Social, economic, environmental, and sustainability [5 competencies]

5) Communication [3 competencies]

6) Personal continuing professional development (CPD) [3 competencies]

7) Team effectiveness [2 competencies]

 The seven categories constitute the areas in which professional engineers of all disciplines must be knowledgeable in order to practice effectively and ensure public safety. Each Competency Category includes a list of the key competencies required in that particular area. 

 Each category's achievement is measured using a Competency Rating Scale that identifies six different levels of competence (0-5). 

A candidate must meet each competency in each category at a minimum level of 1 on the Competency Rating Scale, besides, he/she must achieve a minimum category average 'entry to practice' rating level of 2 or 3, depending on the category to be successful.

Submission is Online

Students can submit the CBA experience via the online portal at:  https://competencyassessment.ca

Using an online competency assessment process allows you to easily report and validate your engineering experience from anywhere in the world. Online submission helps you submit your Competence of APEGS CBA Report without any hassle.  

 Personal login is provided to candidates, validators, and assessors. 

When applicants complete their competency entries, the permissible validators are notified when the candidate indicates in the online system that the competencies relevant to them are available for validation.

NOTE: keep in mind the Canadian or equivalent-to-Canadian experience requirement as detailed in the Competency Assessment Guide.

Wrap up…

So this is all about Competency Based Assessment (CBA) – APEGS. Hopefully, this information will assist you in better understanding CBA and creating your Competence of APEGS CBA Report in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Competency Assessment Guide.


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